
What is BioPass ?

Why choose BioPass?

BioPass surpasses competitors by eliminating the need for a master password, simplifying security. This approach enhances user convenience without compromising safety, making it easier to manage access across various platforms.

Other Features

  • 'BioPass' enhances web security with advanced site recognition, thwarting human error and fake site logins.

    'BioPass' bolsters web security through sophisticated site recognition technology, effectively countering human mistakes and fraudulent site access. By distinguishing authentic sites from impostors, it prevents password theft and unauthorized access, enhancing overall digital safety.

  • BioPass's mobile console swiftly disables devices like iPhones, Androids, PCs, and Macs to prevent hacking.

    BioPass's mobile console quickly deactivates various devices, including iPhones, Androids, PCs, and Macs, to safeguard against hacking. This rapid response capability ensures enhanced protection for users' digital assets, significantly reducing the risk of unauthorized access.

  • BioPass's freeze function pauses its activities for hours, ideal for travel, meetings, or offline use.

    BioPass's freeze function temporarily halts its operations for hours, making it perfect for times when you're traveling, in meetings, or using devices offline. This feature ensures security without interfering with your activities.

  • BioPass's sleep function pauses daily activities during your sleep.

    BioPass's sleep function suspends its daily operations while you sleep, ensuring no disruptions. This feature optimizes security by pausing activities during hours of inactivity, maintaining protection without affecting your rest.

  • BioPass adds face detection for extra security.

    BioPass enhances security by incorporating face detection. This additional layer of protection verifies user identity through facial recognition, adding an extra barrier against unauthorized access and ensuring safer digital interactions.

  • BioPass provides dual phone or instant message authentication as an alternative to face detection.

    BioPass offers dual phone number or instant messaging authentication as a convenient alternative to face detection. This method enhances security by verifying users through two separate channels, providing a flexible and robust protection mechanism against unauthorized access.